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A Field Trip to LA
Glendale comfort women statue and
American and Chinese WWII memorial monument, Monterey park
8:30am-6:30pm, March 5, Saturday, 2016
今年三月五號, 星期六, 8:30am-6:30pm,

To learn more about the comfort women issues and pay tribute to American and Chinese WWII veterans

Date: 8:30am-6:30pm, March 5, Saturday, 2016
時間: 今年三月五號, 星期六, 8:30am-6:30pm
Cost: $50 per person, including lunch/transportation/snack
($25 per person to include lunch and snack if you provide your own transportation )

We will board bus at Park and Ride, I-805 at Mira Mesa Blvd and Vista Sorrento Pkwy at 8:30am and maybe other Park and Ride site if necessary. Lunch at Empress Harbor Restaurant in Monterey Park, 111 N Atlantic Blvd #350, Monterey Park, CA 91754
我們將於上午八點半在Park and Ride, I-805 at Mira Mesa Blvd and Vista Sorrento Pkwy上車.中餐在Monterey Park翠亭邨大酒店.

Co-organizers: the Chinese American Citizens Alliance, Greater San Gabriel Valley Lodge (CACA/GSGVL) and American Chinese World War II Memorial Monument Association (ACWWMMA)
協辦單位: 中美民間聯盟 大聖蓋博山谷分會 與中美二戰紀念委員會

1. Glendale comfort women statue at 201 E Colorado St, Glendale, CA 91205,
with talks on the comfort women issue by a representative of the Korean American forum of California, David Yuen, Former President of CACA/GSGVL, Dr. Charles Mau, the Vice-President of CACA/GSGVL and/or Betty Chu, former Mayor of Monterey Park.
格蘭岱爾市的慰安婦雕像位於201 E Colorado St, Glendale, CA 91205. 演說者包括美韓加洲論壇代表, CACA/GSGVL前會長David Yuen,前副會長Dr. Charles Mau, 以及/或蒙特瑞公園市前市長Betty Chu (趙譚美生)

2. American and Chinese World War II Memorial Monument .Monterey Park City Hall, 320 West Newmark Avenue, Monterey Park, California with a short talk by Joseph Shiue, President and Founder of ACWWMMA. Lunch in between and snack on the way home.
中美二戰紀念碑位於Monterey Park City Hall, 320 West Newmark Avenue, Monterey Park, California. 簡短演說者為中美二戰紀念碑主席創始人Joseph Shiue. 午餐安排在兩個活動之間, 點心則於回程途中提供.

For reservation, please write a check payable to APHAFIC and mail the check to Lilin Wang at 8178 Avenida Navidad #21, San Diego, CA 92122 before May 24th. For further information, please contact Lilin Wang 858-246-6165 (wanglilin356@gmail.com) or Winnie Davis (858-337-1632) (davis91977@yahoo.com). Board of Directors: Jack Meng, Michael P. Lee, Lilin Wang, Mary Lee, Yeqing Chen, Ronghui (Lily) Xu, Winnie Davis, Yuman Young and Nancy Lo.

報名者請於五月24前將抬頭支票為 APHAFIC寄到: Lilin Wang at 8178 Avenida Navidad #21, San Diego, CA 92122. 若有任何問題請電:Lilin Wang 858-246-6165 (wanglilin356@gmail.com), Winnie Davis (858-337-1632) (davis91977@yahoo.com). 理事: Jack Meng, Michael P. Lee, Lilin Wang, Mary Lee, Yeqing Chen, Ronghui (Lily) Xu, Winnie Davis, Yuman Young and Nancy Lo

C:\nancy CH LO\aphafic\2016\Field Trip0304_flier_short.docx 1/22/2016

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